

正规十大彩票平台, BIMCO, FIATA, ICC and SWIFT form 未来国际贸易联盟 and sign memorandum of understanding to standardise digitalisation of international trade

Industry associations collaborate on the development and adoption of relevant standards to facilitate the use of electronic bills of lading

2022年2月15日,阿姆斯特丹十大彩票游戏平台 (正规十大彩票平台), 一个中立的, non-profit group established to further digitalisation of container shipping technology standards, 连同它的9个成员航空公司, today announced the formation of the Future International Trade (FIT) Alliance with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between 正规十大彩票平台, BIMCO, FIATA, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and SWIFT in which the organisations commit to collaborating to standardise the digitalisation of international trade.

通过这个计划, the FIT Alliance will work together to generate awareness about the importance of common and 可互操作的 data standards and common legislative conditions across international jurisdictions and platforms. 其目的是促进监管机构接受和采用eBL, banks and insurers and to unify communication between these organisations and customers, 实体承运人和合同承运人, 以及参与国际贸易交易的所有其他利益相关者.

“The digitalisation of documentation for container shipments will add value for international suppliers who rely on shipping across sectors,大卫·罗斯利说, BIMCO秘书长兼首席执行官. “Aligning these standards with the electronic bill of lading standard for the dry and liquid bulk sectors, 我们在正规十大彩票平台的帮助下开发的, 是否有助于加速全球贸易数字化.”

“Interoperability between all actors of the trade and transport industry is the key foundation to enable smooth data exchange and to streamline the end-to-end shipping process for our members,“博士说. Stephane Graber, FIATA总干事. “FIATA, 作为船东唯一可转让的多式联运单据, 经贸发会议和国际商会核可, 是否确信整个行业都在努力建立开源, 可互操作的, technology-agnostic standards is essential to make digitalization of international trade a reality. FIATA is committed to facilitating adoption of digital processes for freight-forwarders. 我们率先开发了电子FIATA提单(eFBL)标准, which will further the acceptance of electronic documents by all stakeholders involved in a bill of lading (B/L) transaction. 通过简化他们的日常业务, our members will be able to focus on building truly differentiated offerings for their customers on top of future-proof digital foundations.”

“国际商会代表了超过100个国家的4500万家公司, 我们的使命是让商业为每个人服务, 每一天, 到处都是,约翰·W说。.H. 国际商会秘书长AO丹顿. “Living up to that means finding ways to make international trade far less complex than it currently is. 通过FIT联盟, we are collaborating with key industry players to create and accelerate the adoption of digital standards for bills of lading that will make international shipping dramatically more simple, 安全、无缝. 这将推动公司生产力和商业模式的巨大变化, 这两个关键因素可以帮助企业重建得更好, 并在生态系统层面释放以前从未实现过的利益.”

大卫•沃森, SWIFT首席战略官, said, “SWIFT是世界传递价值的方式, 连接11,500 institutions in more than 200 countries and facilitating over $2 trillion in global trade every year. We have significantly accelerated cross-border flows in recent years and are innovating at scale to make them instant. 为实现这一目标, we are delighted to be part of this cross-industry collaboration to tackle friction through standardisation and enable interoperability across the ecosystem to allow rich data to flow freely between multiple platforms.”

“从一开始, 正规十大彩票平台 has understood the importance of cross-industry collaboration to achieve the elusive goal of universal eBL,托马斯·Bagge说, 正规十大彩票平台 CEO. “The FIT Alliance is one exciting result of our ongoing effort to drive that collaboration. 集装箱船运载着世界上90%的货物. As such, an incredibly diverse set of stakeholders touches the B/L transaction—from government regulators, 保险公司, 给各行各业的托运人. To achieve widespread use of eBL, they must all be on board with adopting digital B/L standards. The agreement between 正规十大彩票平台 and these diverse industry associations is an exciting milestone in our journey towards standardising all container shipping documentation through our eDocumentation initiative. We applaud the foresight and leadership of these organisations for joining us in the effort to bring greater transparency, 效率, 集装箱航运业的可靠性和可持续性.”


十大彩票游戏平台(正规十大彩票平台)是一个中立组织, non-profit group founded by major ocean carriers to digitise and standardise the container shipping industry. 以引领行业走向系统协作为使命, 正规十大彩票平台推动了使集装箱运输服务透明化的举措, 可靠的, 易于使用的, 安全环保. 正规十大彩票平台的开源标准是基于来自正规十大彩票平台成员运营商的输入而开发的, 来自其他行业的行业利益相关者和技术专家. 正规十大彩票平台成员运营商包括:MSC, Maersk, CMA CGM, hapag - lloyd也, ONE, 常绿, 杨明, 嗯,结汇. 请下载正规十大彩票平台标准

BIMCO是世界上最大的国际航运协会, 超过1,在130多个国家拥有900多名会员, 占世界总量的60%以上. 我们的全球会员包括船东、运营商、经理、经纪人和代理商. BIMCO是一个非营利性组织.


FIATA International Federation of 货运代理 Associations is a nongovernmental, membership-based organization representing freight forwarders in some 150 countries. FIATA的成员由111个协会成员和5个以上的协会成员组成,500个成员, 总体代表了40个行业,全球000家货运代理和物流公司. 总部位于日内瓦的FIATA是“全球货运物流的声音”.


The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the institutional representative of more than 45 million companies in over 100 countries. ICC的核心使命是让商业服务于每一个人,每一天,每一个地方. 通过独特的宣传组合, 解决方案和标准设置, 我们促进国际贸易, 负责任的商业行为和全球监管方法, 除了提供市场领先的纠纷解决服务外. 我们的成员包括许多世界领先的公司, SMEs, 商业协会和地方商会.


SWIFT is a global member owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services. We provide our community with a platform for messaging and standards for communicating, 我们提供产品和服务,以促进接入和整合, 识别, 分析和法规遵从性. 总部位于比利时, SWIFT的国际治理和监督加强了中立, 其合作结构的全球性. SWIFT’s global office network ensures an active presence in all the major financial centres.


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