火博体育官网app下载的2022年议程继续为一些熟悉的、尚未取得进展的优先事项而斗争. 但要加快步伐,从重新开放到复苏,再到崛起为一个地区, several issues demand more urgent attention.
See where our priorities lie during the 2022 session.
Read Our 2022 PrioritiesStay tuned for our 2022 wrap up at the end of session.
过去的一年对印第安纳州中部的企业进行了前所未有的考验——在全球流行病的经济后果中苦苦挣扎, 为员工和客户承担安全运营的责任, and serving a community working to heal its divisions.
火博体育官网app下载的2021年立法议程包括了帮助雇主的建议 reopen safely, with the resiliency to succeed in the post-COVID recovery. 我们的议程承认,熟练和多样化的劳动力将推动经济复苏, participating in a more equitable economy.
Read the 2021 Wrap-up在全球大流行及其经济影响的背景下, and a period of racial reckoning, 2021年的印第安纳州大会与以往任何一届都不一样. Yet, 尽管在物理距离和党派分歧的挑战气氛下, 由于议员们的大力支持,印地商会商业倡导小组很高兴地为其立法优先事项取得了几项重大胜利,因为立法机构在一些关键问题上找到了共同点,并从一些意想不到的财政收益中获益.
This Wrap Up will report the wins, losses, 还有一些我们认为可以做得更多的“领带”——所有这些都是在传递对一路上的讨论和辩论的洞察的同时进行的.
Read Our 2021 PrioritiesVirgil once said, “The greatest wealth is health.” To paraphrase this philosophy, we believe a prosperous region starts with healthy citizens, and healthy regions make a thriving state. The Indy Chamber’s 2020 Legislative Agenda – “Healthy State. Healthy Economy.” – focuses on improved health, 高效率的劳动力和地区主义的力量是经济增长的良方.
Read the 2020 Wrap-Up火博体育官网app下载2020年的立法议程是印第安纳州大会“短期”(非预算)会议的一组雄心勃勃但实际可行的优先事项. 这是一个为期10周的冲刺,以令人兴奋的收入预测带来的乐观情绪开始,以各级政府努力应对全球流行病和日益增长的衰退威胁而结束. In between, we made progress on each of our top issues.
Read Our 2020 PrioritiesWe’re keeping our sights high. But lofty goals are built on strong foundations.
Review Our PrioritiesAcross these priorities, 我们向大会发出的信息是明确和一致的:印第地区将继续是印第安纳州的经济引擎——使我们的地区对商业开放, and open up new opportunities for our people, employers and communities.
Review the 2018 Agenda2018年的短暂会议对于几个法案来说有点太短了. We’ll consider these temporary setbacks; bills may die but the issues they represent have plenty of life.
2018 Legislative Wrap Up印第安纳州大会2017年会议在印第安纳波利斯地铁雇主感兴趣的许多问题上取得了重大进展. 将最终结果与印第议院的立法议程进行比较, there are certainly differences to be found on policy details and spending priorities; in a few places, progress stalled. But overall, 议员们在一个更具竞争力的商业环境和健康的经济中进行了明智的投资.
Download Agenda Outcomes印第安纳州大会2017年会议在印第安纳波利斯地铁雇主感兴趣的许多问题上取得了重大进展. 将最终结果与印第议院的立法议程进行比较, there are certainly differences to be found on policy details and spending priorities; in a few places, progress stalled. But overall, 议员们在一个更具竞争力的商业环境和健康的经济中进行了明智的投资.
Download Agenda Outcomes