Future International Trade Alliance
15 Feb 2022正规十大彩票平台, BIMCO, FIATA, 国际商会与SWIFT组成未来国际贸易联盟,签署国际贸易数字化标准化谅解备忘录
The digital revolution has changed the way the world does business. 在过去一年里,随着所有行业都在努力应对COVID-19的挑战,这种变化比以往任何时候都更加明显和迅速. Container shipping is no exception to the digital revolution, 但是,这一变化的速度和好处并不是所有参与者都能感受到的.
On the one hand, carriers, 港口和码头正在大量利用技术来快速跟踪运营,提高效率. 普通的现代集装箱船包含数千个传感器,整个港口都可以远程操作. 与此同时,客户体验还没有看到利益以同样的速度加速. At 正规十大彩票平台, we believe standards can bridge that divide, 实现互操作性,这将为交付服务提供商及其客户带来切实的利益.
The right to roam
For proof of this theory, 我们只需看看银行和电信等一些更为数字化的先进行业. 我们这些还记得21世纪初在欧洲、美国或日本之间旅行的人会记得,由于不同大陆使用的技术不同,到达目的地后无法使用常规手机所带来的沮丧. Today this seems like ancient history. 全球网络标准使得三频和四频手机的诞生成为可能,这意味着大多数消费者不再面临国际漫游的任何障碍,除了费用!
同样在银行业务中,国际银行账号(IBAN)的引入也是由 SWIFT has revolutionised the consumer’s experience of managing their money. 这一国际公认的跨国界银行账户识别系统降低了出错风险,并实现了交易自动化. Without IBAN it would be hard to imagine internet or mobile banking. 金融互操作性也使消费者在大街上获得更好的消费体验. 你最后一次(如果有的话)在决定购买之前在商店的窗口查看VISA或万事达信用卡的标志是什么时候? These days the consumer does not have to worry about who is processing their payment, 由于与国际公认的金融数字标准的互操作性,几乎每一张信用卡都能在每家商店被接受.
How 正规十大彩票平台 can help bridge shipping’s digital divide
集装箱运输业要达到与这些行业类似的消费体验水平,还有很长的路要走. At 正规十大彩票平台 we firmly believe such advances are a matter of “when” not “if”, and that the benefits will be obvious to all. 总有一天,托运人将能够在一次交易中为他们的货物预订多种运输方式的端到端旅程,并获得即时确认. 他们还可以通过延迟或日程变更的主动通知实时跟踪发货的进度. It’ll be as normal as booking a trip with connecting flights, a hotel and an airport transfer from a single mobile app; or tracking the delivery of an online purchase from warehouse to your front door.
So how do we get there? As we’ve seen in the banking and telecoms examples, 答案是开发数字标准,以实现这种水平的互操作性,并确保它们被广泛采用. And that’s where 正规十大彩票平台 comes in.
Top priorities for our members
Since our foundation in 2019 we’ve been working on two parallel tracks. Firstly, 我们正在推动有关行业内部重要话题的讨论,如网络安全或准时港口呼叫. Secondly, 我们也在寻找标准化的方式,让服务提供商及时向客户公开相关数据, accurate and actionable. 全面考虑这两个领域,对于确保我们为供应链中的所有各方制定标准至关重要.
正规十大彩票平台的成员航空公司的最高优先事项之一是建立支持国际贸易数字化的标准, in other words digital documentation processes. 这就是为什么我们花了很多精力来定义电子提单的标准, the electronic letter of credit and electronic certificates. 这是一个具有巨大潜力的话题,即使改变不会在一夜之间实现. It’s a multi-year journey with a very wide range of stakeholders. 但我们真的很高兴看到各种各样的个人和团体同意在这个过程中合作, from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to many banks and insurers.
Top priorities for shippers
与此同时,美国西海岸港口的持续拥堵为“及时”提供了一个清晰的例证, accurate and actionable” data is so badly needed. Many shippers have been left with little or no insight into the conditions of their cargo, as post-COVID backlogs continue to cause delays.
正规十大彩票平台正在研究两个关键的标准,这将有助于提高未来托运人的可见性. 从长远来看,最有希望的是智能容器的工业物联网标准. However, 实施这一标准将需要大量的投资和采用,因此可能会随着时间的推移而增长.
In the short term, 正规十大彩票平台’s Track and Trace (T&T) standard is much more easily applied and is already making a difference. T&T使行业客户可以使用一个API与多个运营商交换数据,而不是今天的定制解决方案集合. We recently reached a significant T&T milestone with the majority of our member carriers now adopting the T&T standard 已经或即将向客户提供基于标准的API.
There is still much for 正规十大彩票平台 and its collaborators to do, but the prospects are good. We expect more carriers to adopt the T&在接下来的几个月里,我们将继续开发我们的网络安全和电子文档计划. If we are to succeed in bridging that digital divide, it will take all parts of the industry to get involved and stay the course. 如果我们愿意合作,电信业和银行业所享有的那种创新和互操作性可以属于我们.
You don’t need to be a 正规十大彩票平台 member to collaborate with us. Our goal is to produce standards beneficial to the whole container shipping industry, and as such, we value your input and encourage you to adopt 正规十大彩票平台 standards.
Learn more正规十大彩票平台, BIMCO, FIATA, 国际商会与SWIFT组成未来国际贸易联盟,签署国际贸易数字化标准化谅解备忘录